Arthur Horwich (German Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Arthur Horwich" in German language version.

Global rank German rank
4th place
7th place
1,293rd place
678th place
low place
low place
1st place
1st place
5,704th place
362nd place
201st place
11th place

  • A. Horwich, J. Kraus, K. Williams, F. Kalousek, W. Konigsberg und L. Rosenberg: Molecular cloning of the cDNA coding for rat ornithine transcarbamoylase. In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Band 80, Nr. 14, 15. Juli 1983, S. 4258–4262, PMID 6576335, Zusammenfassung.
  • M. Y. Cheng, R. A. Pollock, J. P. Hendrick und A. L. Horwich: Import and processing of human ornithine transcarbamoylase precursor by mitochondria from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Band 84, Nr. 12, 15. Juni 1987, S. 4063–4067, PMID 3295876, Zusammenfassung
  • Ming Y. Cheng, F.-Ulrich Hartl, Jörg Martin, Robert A. Pollock, Frantisek Kalousek, Walter Neupert, Elizabeth M. Hallberg, Richard L. Hallberg und Arthur L. Horwich: Mitochondrial heat-shock protein hsp60 is essential for assembly of proteins imported into yeast mitochondria. In: Nature. Band 337, 1989, S. 620–625, PMID 2645524.
  • Joachim Ostermann, Arthur L. Horwich, Walter Neupert und F.-Ulrich Hartl: Protein folding in mitochondria requires complex formation with hsp60 and ATP hydrolysis. In: Nature. Band 341, 1989, S. 125–130, PMID 2528694.
  • J. Martin, T. Langer, R. Boteva, A. Schramel, A. L. Horwich, und F.-U. Hartl: Chaperonin-mediated protein folding at the surface of groEL through a 'molten globule'-like intermediate. In: Nature. Band 352, Nr. 6330, 4. Juli 1991, S. 36–42, PMID 1676490.
  • K. Braig, M. Simon, F. Furuya, J. F. Hainfeld und A. L. Horwich: A polypeptide bound by the chaperonin groEL is localized within a central cavity. In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Band 90, Nr. 9, 1. Mai 1993, S. 3978–3982, PMID 8097882, Zusammenfassung.
  • K. Braig, Z. Otwinowski, R. Hegde, D. Boisvert, A. Joachimiak, A. L. Horwich und P. B. Sigler: The crystal structure of the bacterial chaperonin GroEL at 2.8 A. In: Nature. Band 371, Nr. 6498, 13. Oktober 1994, S. 578–586, PMID 7935790.
  • W. A. Fenton, Y. Kashi, K. Furtak und A. L. Horwich: Residues in chaperonin GroEL required for polypeptide binding and release. In: Nature. Band 371, Nr. 6498, 13. Oktober 1994, S. 614–619, PMID 7935796.
  • Z. Xu, A. L. Horwich und P. B. Sigler: The crystal structure of the asymmetric GroEL-GroES-(ADP)7 chaperonin complex. In: Nature. Band 388, Nr. 6644, 21. August 1997, S. 741–751, PMID 9285585.
  • J. S. Weissman, C. M. Hohl, O. Kovalenko, S. Chen, K. Braig, H. R. Saibil, W. A. Fenton und A. L. Horwich: Mechanism of GroEL action: productive release of polypeptide from a sequestered position under GroES. In: Cell. Band 83, 1995, S. 577–587, PMID 7585961.
  • H. S. Rye, A. M. Roseman, K. Furtak, W. A. Fenton, H. R. Saibil und A. L. Horwich: GroEL-GroES cycling: ATP and nonnative polypeptide direct alternation of folding-active rings. In: Cell. Band 97, Nr. 3, 30. April 1999, S. 325–338, PMID 10319813.
  • C. Chaudhry, G. W. Farr, M. J. Todd, H. S. Rye, A. T. Brünger, P. D. Adams, A. L. Horwich und P. B. Sigler: Role of the gamma-phosphate of ATP in triggering protein folding by GroEL-GroES: function, structure and energetics. In: The EMBO Journal. Band 22, 2003, S. 4877–4887, PMID 14517228.

  • A. Horwich, J. Kraus, K. Williams, F. Kalousek, W. Konigsberg und L. Rosenberg: Molecular cloning of the cDNA coding for rat ornithine transcarbamoylase. In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Band 80, Nr. 14, 15. Juli 1983, S. 4258–4262, PMID 6576335, Zusammenfassung.
  • M. Y. Cheng, R. A. Pollock, J. P. Hendrick und A. L. Horwich: Import and processing of human ornithine transcarbamoylase precursor by mitochondria from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Band 84, Nr. 12, 15. Juni 1987, S. 4063–4067, PMID 3295876, Zusammenfassung
  • K. Braig, M. Simon, F. Furuya, J. F. Hainfeld und A. L. Horwich: A polypeptide bound by the chaperonin groEL is localized within a central cavity. In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Band 90, Nr. 9, 1. Mai 1993, S. 3978–3982, PMID 8097882, Zusammenfassung.