Siehe zum Beispiel Walter Isaacson: If Kennedy Had Lived. In: Time. 13. April 1992; Arthur M. Schlesinger: An End to Vietnam, No Watergate, and a Chance for Liberalism. Kennedy’s Biographer on the Might-have-beens. In: Newsweek. 131/18, 1998, S. 3 f.; Robert Dallek: JFK’s Second Term. In: Atlantic Monthly. 291/5, Juni 2003; Howard Jones: Death of a Generation. How the Assassinations of Diem and JFK Prolonged the Vietnam War. Oxford University Press, New York 2003; Lydia Saad: Americans: Kennedy Assassination a Conspiracy. In:, 21. November 2003. Knud Krakau: John F. Kennedy. 22. November 1963. In: Alexander Demandt (Hrsg.): Das Attentat in der Geschichte. area, Erftstadt 2003, S. 423; James G. Blight, David A. Welch, Janet M. Lang: Vietnam If Kennedy Had Lived. Virtual JFK. Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham, MD, 2009; Andrew Roberts: What if JFK had lived? Historian Andrew Roberts 50 years on from Kennedy becoming president. In: Daily Mirror. 20. Januar 2011.
National Academy of Sciences (Hrsg.): Report of the Committee on Ballistic Acoustics. National Academy Press, Washington, DC 1982 (, Zugriff am 19. Juli 2013); zitiert bei David Kaiser: The Road to Dallas. The Assassination of John. F. Kennedy. Harvard University Press, Cambridge MA 2008, S. 378 ff. und 382 ff.
Aussage O'Donnels vor der Warren-Kommission am 18. Mai 1964 (online, Zugriff am 22. Juli 2013), zit. nach Alan Posener: John F. Kennedy in Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten. Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag, Reinbek 1991, S. 126.
Dale K. Myers: Secrets of a Homicide: Conclusions., Zugriff am 9. März 2013; Peter Knight: The Kennedy Assassination. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh 2007, S. 139 ff.
Vgl. Donald B.Thomas: Echo Correlation Analysis and the Acoustic Evidence in the Kennedy Assassination Revisited. In: Science & Justice. 41, 2001, S. 21–32 (online) (PDF; 107 kB), Zugriff am 19. Juli 2013; Michael O’Dell: The Acoustic Evidence in the Kennedy Assassination auf der Kennedy Assassination Home Page, Zugriff am 19. Juli 2013; R. Lineker, R. L. Garwin u. a.: Synchronization of the acoustic evidence in the assassination of President Kennedy. In: Science & Justice. 45, 2005, S. 207–226; David Kaiser: The Road to Dallas. The Assassination of John. F. Kennedy. Harvard University Press, Cambridge MA 2008, S. 384–387; Larry J. Sabato: The Kennedy Half-Century. The Presidency, Assassination, and Lasting Legacy of John F. Kennedy. Bloomsbury, New York 2013, S. 241–248.
Daniel Harker (Associated Press): Castro Blasts Raids on Cuba. In: The Times-Picayune. 9. September 1963, Dokumentation der Warren-Kommission der Mary Ferrell Foundation, Zugriff am 25. November 2013 (englisch); James D. Perry: Kennedy, John F. Assassination of. In: Peter Knight (Hrsg.): Conspiracy Theories in American History. An Encyclopedia. ABC Clio, Santa Barbara/Denver/London 2003, Band 1, S. 396.
Siehe zum Beispiel Walter Isaacson: If Kennedy Had Lived. In: Time. 13. April 1992; Arthur M. Schlesinger: An End to Vietnam, No Watergate, and a Chance for Liberalism. Kennedy’s Biographer on the Might-have-beens. In: Newsweek. 131/18, 1998, S. 3 f.; Robert Dallek: JFK’s Second Term. In: Atlantic Monthly. 291/5, Juni 2003; Howard Jones: Death of a Generation. How the Assassinations of Diem and JFK Prolonged the Vietnam War. Oxford University Press, New York 2003; Lydia Saad: Americans: Kennedy Assassination a Conspiracy. In:, 21. November 2003. Knud Krakau: John F. Kennedy. 22. November 1963. In: Alexander Demandt (Hrsg.): Das Attentat in der Geschichte. area, Erftstadt 2003, S. 423; James G. Blight, David A. Welch, Janet M. Lang: Vietnam If Kennedy Had Lived. Virtual JFK. Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham, MD, 2009; Andrew Roberts: What if JFK had lived? Historian Andrew Roberts 50 years on from Kennedy becoming president. In: Daily Mirror. 20. Januar 2011.
Der Clark-Bericht Kennedy Assassination Home Page, Zugriff am 21. Juli 2013.
Vgl. Donald B.Thomas: Echo Correlation Analysis and the Acoustic Evidence in the Kennedy Assassination Revisited. In: Science & Justice. 41, 2001, S. 21–32 (online) (PDF; 107 kB), Zugriff am 19. Juli 2013; Michael O’Dell: The Acoustic Evidence in the Kennedy Assassination auf der Kennedy Assassination Home Page, Zugriff am 19. Juli 2013; R. Lineker, R. L. Garwin u. a.: Synchronization of the acoustic evidence in the assassination of President Kennedy. In: Science & Justice. 45, 2005, S. 207–226; David Kaiser: The Road to Dallas. The Assassination of John. F. Kennedy. Harvard University Press, Cambridge MA 2008, S. 384–387; Larry J. Sabato: The Kennedy Half-Century. The Presidency, Assassination, and Lasting Legacy of John F. Kennedy. Bloomsbury, New York 2013, S. 241–248.
John McAdams: Dealey Plaza Earwitnesses auf der Kennedy Assassination Home Page, Zugriff am 18. Juli 2011; derselbe: JFK Assassination Logic. How to think about claims of conspiracy. Potomac Books, Lincoln 2011, S. 11.
Vincent Bugliosi: Four Days in November. The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy. W. W. Norton, New York 2007, S. 171. Mel Ayton: Lee Harvey Oswald’s Motives auf der Kennedy Assassination Home Page, Zugriff am 5. März 2013.
Photo auf der Kennedy Assassination Home Page, Zugriff am 5. März 2013.
The Single Bullet Theory auf der Kennedy Assassination Home Page, Zugriff am 22. Juli 2013; Gerald Posner: Case Closed. Lee Harvey Oswald and the Assassination of JFK. Random House, New York 1993, S. 478 f.
The Single Bullet Strikes John Connally auf der Kennedy Assassination Home Page, Zugriff am 23. Dezember 2018; Tim J. Watts: Lee Harvey Oswald was not the sole assassin of John F. Kennedy. CON. In: Steven L. Danver (Hrsg.): Popular Controversies in World History. Band 4. ABC-Clio, Santa Barbara/Denver/Oxford 2011, ISBN 978-1-59884-077-3, S. 328 f.
„I want to splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds“. CIA: Marker of Policy or Tool? Survey finds widely feared agency is tightly controlled. In: New York Times. 25. April 1966, zitiert nach Craig Frizzell, Magen Knuth: Mortal Enemies? Did President Kennedy Plan on Splintering the CIA? Kennedy Assassination Home Page, Zugriff am 31. Juli 2013.
W. Tracy Parnell: The Exhumation of Lee Harvey Oswald and the Norton Report (2003) auf der Kennedy Assassination Home Page, Zugriff am 24. Juli 2013; James D. Perry: Kennedy, John F. Assassination of. In: Peter Knight (Hrsg.): Conspiracy Theories in American History. An Encyclopedia. ABC Clio, Santa Barbara/Denver/London 2003, Band 1, S. 395.
Andrew McKenzie-McHarg: Conspiracy Theory. The Nineteenth-Century Prehistory of a Twentieth-Century Concept. In: Joseph E. Uscinski (Hrsg.): Conspiracy Theories and the People Who Believe Them. Oxford University Press, New York 2019, S. 62–86, hier S. 62; Michael Butter: There’s a conspiracy theory that the CIA invented the term ‘conspiracy theory’ – here’s why. vom 16. März 2020, Zugriff jeweils am 20. Juli 2021.
Siehe zum Beispiel Walter Isaacson: If Kennedy Had Lived. In: Time. 13. April 1992; Arthur M. Schlesinger: An End to Vietnam, No Watergate, and a Chance for Liberalism. Kennedy’s Biographer on the Might-have-beens. In: Newsweek. 131/18, 1998, S. 3 f.; Robert Dallek: JFK’s Second Term. In: Atlantic Monthly. 291/5, Juni 2003; Howard Jones: Death of a Generation. How the Assassinations of Diem and JFK Prolonged the Vietnam War. Oxford University Press, New York 2003; Lydia Saad: Americans: Kennedy Assassination a Conspiracy. In:, 21. November 2003. Knud Krakau: John F. Kennedy. 22. November 1963. In: Alexander Demandt (Hrsg.): Das Attentat in der Geschichte. area, Erftstadt 2003, S. 423; James G. Blight, David A. Welch, Janet M. Lang: Vietnam If Kennedy Had Lived. Virtual JFK. Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham, MD, 2009; Andrew Roberts: What if JFK had lived? Historian Andrew Roberts 50 years on from Kennedy becoming president. In: Daily Mirror. 20. Januar 2011.
Tom Bethell: The Quote Circuit. In: The Washington Monthly. Dezember 1975, S. 39 (online, Zugriff am 2. September 2014), zitiert bei Gerd H. Hövelmann: Ach, wie gut, dass niemand weiß …! Ortho- und heterodoxe Perspektiven auf die Ermordung John. F. Kennedys. In: Andreas Anton, Michael Schetsche, Michael Walter (Hrsg.): Konspiration. Soziologie des Verschwörungsdenkens. Springer VS, Wiesbaden 2014, S. 42 f.
„Our military and economic assistance plays such a key role in enabling those who live on the periphery of the Communist world to maintain their independence of choice. Our assistance to these nations can be painful, risky, and costly, as is true in Southeast Asia today. But we dare not weary of the task.“ (Trade Mart Speech, 1963 (Memento vom 14. Januar 2014 im Internet Archive)) auf, Zugriff am 5. Januar 2014. Larry J. Sabato: The Kennedy Half-Century. The Presidency, Assassination, and Lasting Legacy of John F. Kennedy. Bloomsbury, New York 2013, S. 125.
Helen Helga Wilson: The Mood of the Nation November 22-29, 1963. A News Documentary of a Steadfast Citizenry. Band 2, Marzani & Munsell, 1964, OCLC8809500. (Teilaufzeichnung des Konzerts, ab 1:58)