Lee Ann Remington, Denise Goodwin: Clinical Anatomy of the Visual System E-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences, 2011, ISBN 1-4557-2777-6, S.46–7 (englisch, Google Books).
Maria-Alexandra Katsara, Michael Nothnagel: True colors: A literature review on the spatial distribution of eye and hair pigmentation. In: Forensic Science International: Genetics. Band39, 1. März 2019, ISSN1872-4973, S.109–118, doi:10.1016/j.fsigen.2019.01.001 (sciencedirect.com [abgerufen am 24. Oktober 2023]).
Hans Eiberg et al.: Blue eye color in humans may be caused by a perfectly associated founder mutation in a regulatory element located within the HERC2 gene inhibiting OCA2 expression. 2007, PMID 18172690.
Duffy et al. 2004. Interactive effects of MC1R and OCA2 on melanoma risk phenotypes. All blue-eyed R/R individuals (Anm.: R steht für ein stark wirkendes Rothaarallel, im Gegensatz zu r. Beide sind aber rezessiv.) were in the fair/pale skin category but this decreased to 85.4% with fair/pale skin for brown/green-eyed R/R individuals, the remainder having medium skin color. This proportionate lightening in all genotypic groups when carrying both recessive blue-eyed b and red-hair R alleles indicates additive action of MC1R and BEY2/OCA2 loci on constitutive skin color.
Maria-Alexandra Katsara, Michael Nothnagel: True colors: A literature review on the spatial distribution of eye and hair pigmentation. In: Forensic Science International: Genetics. Band39, 1. März 2019, ISSN1872-4973, S.109–118, doi:10.1016/j.fsigen.2019.01.001 (sciencedirect.com [abgerufen am 24. Oktober 2023]).
Peter Frost: Why Do Europeans Have So Many Hair and Eye Colors? (Memento vom 2. Januar 2008 im Internet Archive) Yet skin color is weakly influenced by the different alleles for hair color or eye color, apart from the ones for red hair or blue eyes. Some have no effect at all on skin pigmentation.
Maria-Alexandra Katsara, Michael Nothnagel: True colors: A literature review on the spatial distribution of eye and hair pigmentation. In: Forensic Science International: Genetics. Band39, 1. März 2019, ISSN1872-4973, S.109–118, doi:10.1016/j.fsigen.2019.01.001 (sciencedirect.com [abgerufen am 24. Oktober 2023]).