Philip Weinstein, Steven Delean, Tom Wood, Andrew D. Austin: Bioluminescence in the ghost fungus Omphalotus nidiformis does not attract potential spore dispersing insects. In: IMA Fungus. Band7, Nr.2, Dezember 2016, ISSN2210-6359, S.229–234, doi:10.5598/imafungus.2016.07.02.01.
Susan Wells: A beetle on Omphalotus nidiformis. In: The Queensland Mycologist. Bulletin of The Queensland Mycological Society. Band12, Nr.2, 2017, S.11 ( [PDF]).
Philip Weinstein, Steven Delean, Tom Wood, Andrew D. Austin: Bioluminescence in the ghost fungus Omphalotus nidiformis does not attract potential spore dispersing insects. In: IMA Fungus. Band7, Nr.2, Dezember 2016, ISSN2210-6359, S.229–234, doi:10.5598/imafungus.2016.07.02.01.