Andrew Sullivan: Sex- and death-crazed gays play viral Russian Roulette!, auf, vom 24. Januar 2003: Which study found this alarming result? The answer is: none. The entire premise for the story, as published, is based on one doctor’s “estimate.” […] How many actual bug chasers are interviewed? A grand total of two, one of whom — the one who provides all the most lurid quotes — is clearly disturbed and is given a pseudonym. How many HIV-positive “gift givers” are interviewed? None. So there you have it. One anonymous source; one named source; one doctor’s completely unsubstantiated estimate; and lurid details from some. (Memento vom 11. Dezember 2013 im Internet Archive) Studie des Robert Koch-Instituts zu Wissen, Einstellungen und Verhalten bezüglich sexuell übertragbarer Infektionen bei homosexuellen Männern. siehe Abschlussbericht zur KAB|a|STI-Studie (PDF)