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Orebwa Morate (Hrsg.): 2015 Population and Housing Census – Volume 1: Management Report and Basic Tables. Republic of Kiribati – National Statistics Office, Ministry of Finance, 1. September 2016, Table 3: Population by Village, Sex, And Age Group: 2015, S.35–51, hier: S. 40 (englisch, [PDF; 3,0MB; abgerufen am 30. August 2024]).
Aritita Tekaieti (Hrsg.): 2005 Census of Population – Volume 1: Basic information and tables (Revised version). Republic of Kiribati – National Statistics Office, Ministry of Finance, 17. Januar 2007, Table 3: Population by island, sex, village and broad age group – 2005, S.20–31, hier: S. 23 (englisch, Downloadlink [PDF; 1,1MB; abgerufen am 30. August 2024]).