DB Netz AG: Nebenleistungen - Trassengrafiken.(fahrweg.dbnetze.com abgerufen am 22. Januar 2018)
Howard Wainer, Polina Harik, John Neter: Stigler’s Law of Eponymy and Marey’s Train Schedule. In: Chance : a magazine for people interested in the analysis of data. Band26, Nr.1, 2013, ISSN0933-2480, S.53–56, doi:10.1080/09332480.2013.772394.
Howard Wainer, Polina Harik, John Neter: Stigler’s Law of Eponymy and Marey’s Train Schedule. In: Chance : a magazine for people interested in the analysis of data. Band26, Nr.1, 2013, ISSN0933-2480, S.53–56, doi:10.1080/09332480.2013.772394.