Marcel Austenfeld, Wolfram Beyschlag: A Graphical User Interface for R in a Rich Client Platform for Ecological Modeling. In: Journal of Statistical Software. Band49, Nr.4, 2012, ISSN1548-7660, doi:10.18637/jss.v049.i04.
Johannes Schindelin, Curtis T. Rueden, Mark C. Hiner, Kevin W. Eliceiri: The ImageJ ecosystem: An open platform for biomedical image analysis: The ImageJ Ecosystem. In: Molecular Reproduction and Development. Band82, Nr.7-8, 2015, S.518–529, doi:10.1002/mrd.22489, PMID 26153368.
Johannes Schindelin, Curtis T. Rueden, Mark C. Hiner, Kevin W. Eliceiri: The ImageJ ecosystem: An open platform for biomedical image analysis: The ImageJ Ecosystem. In: Molecular Reproduction and Development. Band82, Nr.7-8, 2015, S.518–529, doi:10.1002/mrd.22489, PMID 26153368.
Marcel Austenfeld, Wolfram Beyschlag: A Graphical User Interface for R in a Rich Client Platform for Ecological Modeling. In: Journal of Statistical Software. Band49, Nr.4, 2012, ISSN1548-7660, doi:10.18637/jss.v049.i04.