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E. Jašarević, P. T. Sieli, E. E. Twellman, T. H. Welsh, T. R. Schachtman, R. M. Roberts, D. C. Geary, C. S. Rosenfeld: Disruption of adult expression of sexually selected traits by developmental exposure to bisphenol A. In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Band 108, Nummer 28, Juli 2011, S. 11715–11720, doi:10.1073/pnas.1107958108, PMID 21709224, PMC 3136312 (freier Volltext).
D. K. Li, Z. Zhou, M. Miao, Y. He, D. Qing, T. Wu, J. Wang, X. Weng, J. Ferber, L. J. Herrinton, Q. Zhu, E. Gao, W. Yuan: Relationship between urine bisphenol-A level and declining male sexual function. In: Journal of andrology. Band 31, Nummer 5, 2010 Sep–Oct, S. 500–506, doi:10.2164/jandrol.110.010413, PMID 20467048.
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