Buglossoides im Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN), USDA, ARS, National Genetic Resources Program. National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. Abgerufen am 19. Juli 2020.
L. Cecchi, A. Coppi, HH. Hilger, F. Selvi: Non-monophyly of Buglossoides (Boraginaceae: Lithospermeae): Phylogenetic and morphological evidence for the expansion of Glandora and reappraisal of Aegonychon. In: Taxon. Band63 (5), 2001, S.1065, doi:10.12705/635.4 (Online).Online (Memento vom 24. September 2015 im Internet Archive)
L. Cecchi, A. Coppi, HH. Hilger, F. Selvi: Non-monophyly of Buglossoides (Boraginaceae: Lithospermeae): Phylogenetic and morphological evidence for the expansion of Glandora and reappraisal of Aegonychon. In: Taxon. Band63 (5), 2001, S.1065, doi:10.12705/635.4 (Online).Online (Memento vom 24. September 2015 im Internet Archive)
L. Cecchi, A. Coppi, HH. Hilger, F. Selvi: Non-monophyly of Buglossoides (Boraginaceae: Lithospermeae): Phylogenetic and morphological evidence for the expansion of Glandora and reappraisal of Aegonychon. In: Taxon. Band63 (5), 2001, S.1065, doi:10.12705/635.4 (Online).Online (Memento vom 24. September 2015 im Internet Archive)