„The US government has admitted that they revoked your passport but they were unable to properly advise you of the revocation.“ Fischer: „Yes, they must advise me of the revocation, and I have a right to appeal it. They can’t do anything while I’m appealing it. In the law point 51.76, page 254, 22 cfrch.1 4197 Edition Department of State: ‚Surrender of Passport‘ says ‚The bearer of the passport which is revoked shall surrender it to the department or its authorised representative upon demand, and upon his or her refusal to do so such passport may be invalidated by notifying the bearer in writing about the invalidation‘. They cannot even touch the passport, let alone destroy it, according to their own laws, their own regulations.“ Aus: Listen to Bobby Fischer, chessbase.com, 26. August 2004.
Philipp Gessler: Schachweltmeister Bobby Fischer: Der lange Abstieg einer Legende. In: Die Tageszeitung: taz. 18. Januar 2019, ISSN0931-9085 (taz.de [abgerufen am 15. März 2019]).
Philipp Gessler: Schachweltmeister Bobby Fischer: Der lange Abstieg einer Legende. In: Die Tageszeitung: taz. 18. Januar 2019, ISSN0931-9085 (taz.de [abgerufen am 15. März 2019]).