BurrenLIFE – Farming for Conservation in the Burren: Technical Final Report. Covering the project activities from 01.09.2004 to 31.01.2010. LIFE04NAT/IE/000125, 30. April 2010 (burrenprogramme.com [PDF; 1,2MB]).
The Burren Life Project – Farming for Conservation in the Burren. Final Report 2010. 2010 (burrenprogramme.com [PDF; 3,8MB]).
Ingo Feeser, Michael O’Connell: Fresh insights into long‐term changes in flora, vegetation, land use and soil erosion in the karstic environment of the Burren, western Ireland. In: Journal of Ecology. Band97, Nr.3, 11. August 2009, doi:10.1111/j.1365-2745.2009.01533.x.