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Thomas Hackl, Sarah Duponchel, Karina Barenhoff, Alexa Weinmann, Matthias G. Fischer: Virophages and retrotransposons colonize the genomes of a heterotrophic flagellate. In: eLife. Band 10, Nr. e72674, 26. Oktober 2021, S. 1–20; doi:10.7554/eLife.72674, PMID 34698016, PMC 8547959 (freier Volltext).
Thomas H. Teal, Tracy Guillemette, Michael Chapman, Lynn Margulis: Acronema sippewissettensis gen. nov. sp. nov., microbial Mat bicosoecid (bicosoecales = bicosoecida). In: European Journal of Protistology, Band 34, Nr. 4, 7. Dezember 1998, S. 402–414; doi:10.1016/S0932-4739(98)80009-6, PMID 11542254.
Thomas Cavalier-Smith, Josephine Margaret Scoble: Phylogeny of Heterokonta: Incisomonas marina, a uniciliate gliding opalozoan related to Solenicola (Nanomonadea), and evidence that Actinophryida evolved from raphidophytes. In: European Journal of Protistology, Band 49, Nr. 3, August 2013, S. 328–353; doi:10.1016/j.ejop.2012.09.002, PMID 23219323.