Ortayli, N, A Bulut, M Ozugurlu, M Cokar: Why Withdrawal? Why not withdrawal? Men's perspectives. In: Reproductive Health Matters. 25. Jahrgang, Nr.13, 2005, S.164–173, doi:10.1016/S0968-8080(05)25175-3, PMID 16035610.
Rachel K. Jones, Julie Fennell, Jenny A. Higgins, Kelly Blanchard: Better than nothing or savvy risk-reduction practice? The importance of withdrawal, online (PDF; 46 kB)
Ortayli, N, A Bulut, M Ozugurlu, M Cokar: Why Withdrawal? Why not withdrawal? Men's perspectives. In: Reproductive Health Matters. 25. Jahrgang, Nr.13, 2005, S.164–173, doi:10.1016/S0968-8080(05)25175-3, PMID 16035610.
Coitus Interruptus (Withdrawal). In: Abstinence & Natural Birth Control Methods. Sexually Transmitted Disease Resource, 2006, archiviert vom Original am 10. September 2006; abgerufen am 5. September 2006.
Coitus Interruptus (Withdrawal). In: Abstinence & Natural Birth Control Methods. Sexually Transmitted Disease Resource, 2006, archiviert vom Original am 10. September 2006; abgerufen am 5. September 2006.