Robert E. Rhoades, Xavier Zapata Rios und Jenny Aragundi Ochoa: Mama Cotacachi: History, local perceptions, and social impacts of climate change and glacier retreat in the ecuadorian Andes. In Ben Orlove, Ellen Wiegandt, Brian H. Luckman (Hrsg.): Darkening Peaks: Glacier Retreat, Science, and Society. University of California Press, Berkeley 2008, ISBN 978-0-520-25305-6, S. 216–224, hier: S. 216
Robert E. Rhoades, Xavier Zapata Rios und Jenny Aragundi Ochoa: Mama Cotacachi: History, local perceptions, and social impacts of climate change and glacier retreat in the ecuadorian Andes. In Ben Orlove, Ellen Wiegandt, Brian H. Luckman (Hrsg.): Darkening Peaks: Glacier Retreat, Science, and Society. University of California Press, Berkeley 2008, ISBN 978-0-520-25305-6, S. 216–224, hier: S. 220, 221.