Climbs in WA., 15. August 2005, archiviert vom Original am 15. August 2005; abgerufen am 14. Juni 2010.
Climbs in WA., 20. Juli 2008, archiviert vom Original am 20. Juli 2008; abgerufen am 14. Juni 2010. (Memento vom 2. März 2014 im Internet Archive): Alcoa has two bauxite mines operating in the Darling Range in Western Australia: Huntly, which has been operating since the early 1970s and is the world's biggest bauxite mine, producing 20 million tonnes per annum; and Willowdale, established in 1984 and currently supplying 8.5 million tonnes per annum to Alcoa's Wagerup alumina refinery.
Joseph Cross: Journals of Several Expeditions Made in Western Australia. J. Cross, London 1833, Journal of the Proceedings of a party of Officers and men, for the purpose of crossing the Darling Range of Mountains, under the orders of Lieutenant Preston, R.N., S.6–14 ( [abgerufen am 28. Februar 2009]).