Zu diesem Interpretationsansatz vgl. Edwards, Duane, Holden Caulfield: Don’t Ever Tell Anybody Anything. The Johns Hopkins University Press, 44, 1977, S. 554–565, jstor.org und: Ricky Werner: Queer Adolescence: (Homo)sexuality in Catcher in the Rye and The Bell Jar. In: eSharp, University of Glasgow, Issue 6 Vol. II (2006), ISSN1742-4542 abstract full essay (PDF; 162 kB)
Zu diesem Interpretationsansatz vgl. Edwards, Duane, Holden Caulfield: Don’t Ever Tell Anybody Anything. The Johns Hopkins University Press, 44, 1977, S. 554–565, jstor.org und: Ricky Werner: Queer Adolescence: (Homo)sexuality in Catcher in the Rye and The Bell Jar. In: eSharp, University of Glasgow, Issue 6 Vol. II (2006), ISSN1742-4542 abstract full essay (PDF; 162 kB)
Zu diesem Interpretationsansatz vgl. Edwards, Duane, Holden Caulfield: Don’t Ever Tell Anybody Anything. The Johns Hopkins University Press, 44, 1977, S. 554–565, jstor.org und: Ricky Werner: Queer Adolescence: (Homo)sexuality in Catcher in the Rye and The Bell Jar. In: eSharp, University of Glasgow, Issue 6 Vol. II (2006), ISSN1742-4542 abstract full essay (PDF; 162 kB)