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Nettrice Gaskins: Deep Sea Dwellers: Drexciya and the Sonic Third Space. In: Shima: The International Journal of Research into Island Cultures. Band10, Nr.2, 10. Oktober 2016, ISSN1834-6057, doi:10.21463/shima.10.2.08 (shimajournal.org [PDF; abgerufen am 18. August 2018]).
Nettrice Gaskins: Deep Sea Dwellers: Drexciya and the Sonic Third Space. In: Shima: The International Journal of Research into Island Cultures. Band10, Nr.2, 10. Oktober 2016, ISSN1834-6057, doi:10.21463/shima.10.2.08 (shimajournal.org [PDF; abgerufen am 18. August 2018]).