Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center: Herringshaw's American Blue Book Of Biography. Chicago, American Publishers' Association, 1914 ( [abgerufen am 18. Januar 2018]).
Boston Public Library: Dwight's journal of music. Boston : Oliver Ditson & Co, 1852 ( [abgerufen am 18. Januar 2018]).
Boston Public Library: Historical review of the Boston Bijou Theatre : with the original casts of all the operas that have been produced at the Bijou .. Boston : Skelton, 1884 ( [abgerufen am 18. Januar 2018]).
Brandeis University Libraries: The history of the Boston Theatre, 1854-1901. Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1908 ( [abgerufen am 18. Januar 2018]).
Universal Digital Library: The Boston Musical Year Book Vol I Season Of 1883 84. Franklin Street, 1884 ( [abgerufen am 18. Januar 2018]).
Boston Symphony Orchestra Archives: Boston Symphony Orchestra concert programs, 1893-1894, Subscription, Season 13. Boston, Mass. : Boston Symphony Orchestra ( [abgerufen am 18. Januar 2018]).
Meredith College: Catalogue of the Schools of the Baptist University for Women. Meredith College, 1905 ( [abgerufen am 18. Januar 2018]).
Herringshaw's American Blue Book of Biography. American Publishers' Association, 1915 ( [abgerufen am 18. Januar 2018]).
Paul Larson: Bach for a Hundred Years: A Social History of the Bach Choir of Bethlehem. Lexington Books, 2012, ISBN 978-1-61146-094-0 ( [abgerufen am 18. Januar 2018]).
Edith Abell is leaving Minneapolis for Boston. In: Star Tribune. Minneapolis 14. November 1915, S.14 (englisch,
Concert by the 6th Infantry Band in Cleveland Square tonight. In: El Paso Herald. El Paso 21. August 1914, S.8 (englisch,
Miss Edith Abell dies: Well-known musician. In: The Boston Globe. Boston 13. Dezember 1926, S.13 (englisch,