Kai Kupferschmidt: Scourge of Snake Oil Salesmen Bids an Early Farewell. In: Science. Band333, Nr.6043, 5. August 2011, S.687–687, doi:10.1126/science.333.6043.687, PMID 21817027.
Unsere Unterstützer. In: Informationsnetzwerk Homöopathie. Abgerufen am 8. September 2019 (deutsch).
„diagnosis, treatment and/or prevention which complements mainstream medicine by contributing to a common whole, by satisfying a demand not met by orthodoxy or by diversifying the conceptual frameworks of medicine“E Ernst, K L Resch, S Mills, R Hill, A Mitchell: Complementary medicine — a definition. In: The British Journal of General Practice. Band45, Nr.398, September 1995, S.506, PMC 1239386 (freier Volltext).
Kai Kupferschmidt: Scourge of Snake Oil Salesmen Bids an Early Farewell. In: Science. Band333, Nr.6043, 5. August 2011, S.687–687, doi:10.1126/science.333.6043.687, PMID 21817027.