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Filip Edmund Gęstwicki, Ewa Wędrowska: Assessment of the Degree of the Divergence and Inequality of Household Income Distribution in Poland in the Years 2005–2013. In: Folia Oeconomica Stetinensia. Band16, Nr.1, 1. Dezember 2016, ISSN1898-0198, S.50–62, doi:10.1515/foli-2016-0004 (Online [abgerufen am 19. Januar 2019]).
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Filip Edmund Gęstwicki, Ewa Wędrowska: Assessment of the Degree of the Divergence and Inequality of Household Income Distribution in Poland in the Years 2005–2013. In: Folia Oeconomica Stetinensia. Band16, Nr.1, 1. Dezember 2016, ISSN1898-0198, S.50–62, doi:10.1515/foli-2016-0004 (Online [abgerufen am 19. Januar 2019]).
Wędrowska Ewa, Oczki Jarosław, Muszyńska Joanna: Income Inequality in Poland and the United Kingdom. Decomposition of the Theil Index. In: Folia Oeconomica Stetinensia. Band18, Nr.1, 1. Juni 2018, ISSN1898-0198, S.108–122 (Online [abgerufen am 19. Januar 2019]).