S. J. Bolsenga (Hrsg.), Charles E. Herdendorf (Hrsg.): Lake Erie and Lake St. Clair Handbook. Wayne State University Press, Detroit MI 1993, ISBN 0-8143-2470-3, S. 16
Frank N. Egerton: Pollution and Aquatic Life in Lake Erie: Early Scientific Studies. Environmental Review, Vol. 11, No. 3 (Herbst 1987), S. 189–205 (JSTOR)
Joseph C. Makarewicz, Paul Bertram: Evidence for the Restoration of the Lake Erie Ecosystem. BioScience, Vol. 41, No. 4 (April 1991), S. 216–223 (JSTOR)
John Flesher: Report predicts ever-bigger Lake Erie algae blooms. AP Online, 1. April 2013 (HighBeam (Memento vom 21. September 2014 im Internet Archive))