S. Kuppens, E. Ceulemans: Parenting Styles: A Closer Look at a Well-Known Concept. In: Journal of child and family studies. Band 28, Nummer 1, 2019, S. 168–181, doi:10.1007/s10826-018-1242-x, PMID 30679898, PMC 6323136 (freier Volltext).
Cliff McKinney, Kimberly Renk: Differential Parenting Between Mothers and Fathers: Implications for Late Adolescents. In: Journal of Family Issues. Band29, Nr.6, 7. November 2007, doi:10.1177/0192513X07311222.
Ann V. McGillicuddy-De Lisi, Richard De Lisi: Perceptions of family relations when mothers and fathers are depicted with different parenting styles. In: The Journal of Genetic Psychology. Band168, Nr.4, Dezember 2007, S.425–442, doi:10.3200/GNTP.168.4.425-442.
„Parenting can be described as a highly complex construct influenced by multiple factors, including the environment, as well as parent and child characteristics. According to the studies, maternal 5-HTTLPR polymorphism is most likely to be associated with sensitive parenting.“ (Übersetzung: Elternschaft kann als ein hochkomplexes Konstrukt beschrieben werden, das von zahlreichen Faktoren beeinflusst wird, darunter das Umfeld sowie die Eigenschaften von Eltern und Kind. Den Studien zufolge ist der mütterliche 5-HTTLPR-Polymorphismus sehr wahrscheinlich mit feinfühliger Elternschaft assoziiert.) M. Landoni M, A. Dalla Muta, S. Di Tella, G. Ciuffo, P. Di Blasio, C. Ionio C: Parenting and the Serotonin Transporter Gene (5HTTLPR), Is There an Association? A Systematic Review of the Literature. In: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Band19, Nr.7, März 2022, S.4052, doi:10.3390/ijerph19074052, PMID 35409736, PMC 8997909 (freier Volltext).
D. C. Kopala-Sibley, E. P. Hayden, S. M. Singh, H. I. Sheikh, K. R. Kryski, D. N. Klein: Gene-environment correlations in the cross-generational transmission of parenting: Grandparenting moderates the effect of child 5-HTTLPR genotype on mothers' parenting. In: Social Development (Oxford, England). Band26, Nr.4, November 2017, S.724–739, doi:10.1111/sode.12221, PMID 29628626, PMC 5884166 (freier Volltext).
Serpell, Robert (2014). "Some Growth Points in African Child Development Research". New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development. 2014 (146): 97–112. doi:10.1002/cad.20075. PMID 25512048.
Roopnarine, Jaipaul L.; Fouts, Hillary N.; Lamb, Michael E.; Lewis-Elligan, Tracey Y. (2005). "Mothers' and Fathers' Behaviors Toward Their 3- to 4-Month-Old Infants in Lower, Middle, and Upper Socioeconomic African American Families". Developmental Psychology. 41 (5): 723–732. doi:10.1037/0012-1649.41.5.723. PMID 16173870.
Li, Yan; Costanzo, Philip R.; Putallaz, Martha (2010-10-29). "Maternal Socialization Goals, Parenting Styles, and Social-Emotional Adjustment Among Chinese and European American Young Adults: Testing a Mediation Model". The Journal of Genetic Psychology. 171 (4): 330–362. doi:10.1080/00221325.2010.505969. PMID 21171548.
Porter, Christian; Hart, Craig; Yang, Chongming; Robinson, Clyde; Frost Olsen, Susanne; Zeng, Qing; Olsen, Joseph; Jin, Shenghua (2005-01-01). "A comparative study of child temperament and parenting in Beijing, China and the western United States". International Journal of Behavioral Development. 29 (6): 541–551. doi:10.1080/01650250500147402.
Gershoff, ET (2002). "Corporal punishment by parents and associated child behaviours and experiences: a meta-analytic and theoretical review". Psychological Bulletin. 128 (4): 539–579. doi:10.1037/0033-2909.128.4.539. PMID 12081081.
Yasui, M (2007). "The ethnic context of child and adolescent problem behaviour: implications for child and family interventions". Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review. 10 (2): 137–179. doi:10.1007/s10567-007-0021-9. PMID 17588150.
Norman, RE (2012). "The Long-Term Health Consequences of Child Physical Abuse, Emotional Abuse, and Neglect: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis". PLOS Med. 9 (11): e1001349. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1001349. PMC 3507962 (freier Volltext). PMID 23209385.
Vittrup, B (2010). "Children's assessment of corporal punishment and other disciplinary practices: The role of age, race, SES and exposure to spanking". Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology. 31 (3): 211–220. doi:10.1016/j.appdev.2009.11.003.
Lansford, JE (2004). "Ethnic differences in the link between physical discipline and later adolescent externalising behaviours". J Psychol Psychiatry. 45 (4): 805–812. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7610.2004.00273.x. PMC 2772061 (freier Volltext). PMID 15056311.
Tamis-LeMonda, Catherine S.; Way, Niobe; Hughes, Diane; Yoshikawa, Hirokazu; Kalman, Ronit Kahana; Niwa, Erika Y. (2007-11-22). "Parents' Goals for Children: The Dynamic Coexistence of Individualism and Collectivism in Cultures and Individuals". Social Development. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9507.2007.00419.x.
Sapru, Saloni (September 2006). "Parenting and Adolescent Identity". Journal of Adolescent Research. 21 (5): 484–513. doi:10.1177/0743558406291766.
Glen H. Elder: Structural Variations in the Child Rearing Relationship. In: Sociometry. Band 25, Heft 25, 1962, S. 241–262, ISSN0038-0431 (Abstract und Vorschau)
Laura H. Weiss, J Conrad Schwarz: The Relationship between Parenting Types and Older Adolescent’s Personality, Academic Achievement, Adjustment and Substance Use. In: Child Development. Band 67, 1996, S. 2101–2114. (Abstract und Vorschau); Harald Uhlendorf: Erziehung im sozialen Umfeld: Eine empirische Untersuchung über elterliches Erziehungsverhalten in Ost- und Westdeutschland. Leske + Budrich, Opladen 2001.
Martin R. Textor: Gestörte Familienstrukturen und -prozesse. Abgerufen am 4. Februar 2020. In: Martin R. Textor (Hrsg.): Hilfen für Familien. Ein Handbuch für psychosoziale Berufe. Frankfurt/Main: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, 2. Auflage 1992, S. 65–90.
S. Kuppens, E. Ceulemans: Parenting Styles: A Closer Look at a Well-Known Concept. In: Journal of child and family studies. Band 28, Nummer 1, 2019, S. 168–181, doi:10.1007/s10826-018-1242-x, PMID 30679898, PMC 6323136 (freier Volltext).
„Parenting can be described as a highly complex construct influenced by multiple factors, including the environment, as well as parent and child characteristics. According to the studies, maternal 5-HTTLPR polymorphism is most likely to be associated with sensitive parenting.“ (Übersetzung: Elternschaft kann als ein hochkomplexes Konstrukt beschrieben werden, das von zahlreichen Faktoren beeinflusst wird, darunter das Umfeld sowie die Eigenschaften von Eltern und Kind. Den Studien zufolge ist der mütterliche 5-HTTLPR-Polymorphismus sehr wahrscheinlich mit feinfühliger Elternschaft assoziiert.) M. Landoni M, A. Dalla Muta, S. Di Tella, G. Ciuffo, P. Di Blasio, C. Ionio C: Parenting and the Serotonin Transporter Gene (5HTTLPR), Is There an Association? A Systematic Review of the Literature. In: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Band19, Nr.7, März 2022, S.4052, doi:10.3390/ijerph19074052, PMID 35409736, PMC 8997909 (freier Volltext).
D. C. Kopala-Sibley, E. P. Hayden, S. M. Singh, H. I. Sheikh, K. R. Kryski, D. N. Klein: Gene-environment correlations in the cross-generational transmission of parenting: Grandparenting moderates the effect of child 5-HTTLPR genotype on mothers' parenting. In: Social Development (Oxford, England). Band26, Nr.4, November 2017, S.724–739, doi:10.1111/sode.12221, PMID 29628626, PMC 5884166 (freier Volltext).
Roni Enten, Moria Golan: Parenting Styles and Eating Disorder Pathology. In: Appetite. Band 52, 2009, S. 786. PMID 19501782, Elsevier.
Serpell, Robert (2014). "Some Growth Points in African Child Development Research". New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development. 2014 (146): 97–112. doi:10.1002/cad.20075. PMID 25512048.
Roopnarine, Jaipaul L.; Fouts, Hillary N.; Lamb, Michael E.; Lewis-Elligan, Tracey Y. (2005). "Mothers' and Fathers' Behaviors Toward Their 3- to 4-Month-Old Infants in Lower, Middle, and Upper Socioeconomic African American Families". Developmental Psychology. 41 (5): 723–732. doi:10.1037/0012-1649.41.5.723. PMID 16173870.
Li, Yan; Costanzo, Philip R.; Putallaz, Martha (2010-10-29). "Maternal Socialization Goals, Parenting Styles, and Social-Emotional Adjustment Among Chinese and European American Young Adults: Testing a Mediation Model". The Journal of Genetic Psychology. 171 (4): 330–362. doi:10.1080/00221325.2010.505969. PMID 21171548.
Gershoff, ET (2002). "Corporal punishment by parents and associated child behaviours and experiences: a meta-analytic and theoretical review". Psychological Bulletin. 128 (4): 539–579. doi:10.1037/0033-2909.128.4.539. PMID 12081081.
Yasui, M (2007). "The ethnic context of child and adolescent problem behaviour: implications for child and family interventions". Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review. 10 (2): 137–179. doi:10.1007/s10567-007-0021-9. PMID 17588150.
Norman, RE (2012). "The Long-Term Health Consequences of Child Physical Abuse, Emotional Abuse, and Neglect: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis". PLOS Med. 9 (11): e1001349. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1001349. PMC 3507962 (freier Volltext). PMID 23209385.
Lansford, JE (2004). "Ethnic differences in the link between physical discipline and later adolescent externalising behaviours". J Psychol Psychiatry. 45 (4): 805–812. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7610.2004.00273.x. PMC 2772061 (freier Volltext). PMID 15056311.
Kurt Lewin, Ronald Lippitt, Ralph K. White: Patterns of aggressive behavior in experimentally created “social climates”. (PDF; 1,5 MB). In: Journal of Social Psychology. Band 9, 1939, S. 10, S. 271–299, ISSN0022-4545; Kurt Lewin: Feldtheorie in den Sozialwissenschaften. Ausgewählte theoretische Schriften. Hans Huber Verlag, Bern 1963; Köhne (2003), S. 256.
Kurt Lewin, Ronald Lippitt, Ralph K. White: Patterns of aggressive behavior in experimentally created “social climates”. (PDF; 1,5 MB). In: Journal of Social Psychology. Band 9, 1939, S. 10, S. 271–299, ISSN0022-4545; Kurt Lewin: Feldtheorie in den Sozialwissenschaften. Ausgewählte theoretische Schriften. Hans Huber Verlag, Bern 1963; Köhne (2003), S. 256.
Glen H. Elder: Structural Variations in the Child Rearing Relationship. In: Sociometry. Band 25, Heft 25, 1962, S. 241–262, ISSN0038-0431 (Abstract und Vorschau)