Josefina Tulimevava Hamutoko, Heike Wanke, Matthias Beyer, Marcel Gaj, Paul Koeniger: Spatio-temporal variations of hydrochemical and isotopic patterns of groundwater in hand-dug wells: the Cuvelai-Etosha Basin, Namibia. In: Proceedings of IAHS, Vol. 378 (2018), S. 29–35 (PDF) DOI
Josefina Tulimevava Hamutoko, Heike Wanke, Matthias Beyer, Marcel Gaj, Paul Koeniger: Spatio-temporal variations of hydrochemical and isotopic patterns of groundwater in hand-dug wells: the Cuvelai-Etosha Basin, Namibia. In: Proceedings of IAHS, Vol. 378 (2018), S. 29–35 (PDF) DOI