[1], Zitat: “Last November’s 4th International Climate and Energy Conference (IKEK4) in Munich, Germany, co-hosted by CFACT and CFACT Europe, was without any doubt one of the highlights of the international struggle for more science and less politics in climate research.”
Timo Busch, Lena Judick: Climate change—that is not real! A comparative analysis of climate-sceptic think tanks in the USA and Germany. In: Climatic Change. 24. Januar 2021, doi:10.1007/s10584-021-02962-z (open access).
Núria Almiron, Maxwell Boykoff, Marta Narberhaus, Francisco Heras: Dominant counter-frames in influential climate contrarian European think tanks. In: Climatic Change. September 2020, doi:10.1007/s10584-020-02820-4.
Miranda Schreurs: Climate change denial in the United States and the European Union. In: M. J. Peterson (Hrsg.): Contesting Global Environmental Knowledge, Norms, and Governance. Routledge, 2019, S. 98–109, hier: S. 104, doi:10.4324/9781315166445-6.
Grundsatzpapier Klima, Selbstdarstellung auf der EIKE-Website, zuletzt abgerufen am 18. März 2016
Ose A. Moreno, Mira Kinn, Marta Narberhaus: A Stronghold of Climate Change Denialism in Germany: Case Study of the Output and Press Representation of the Think Tank EIKE. In: International Journal of Communication. Band16, 2022, S.267–288 (englisch,
Holger Thuß: The Solar Cycle, Climate, Carbon and Crop Yields: EIKE Berlin. CFACT Europe, 19. April 2009, archiviert vom Original (nicht mehr online verfügbar) am 7. Oktober 2013; abgerufen am 20. November 2012: „The European Institute for Climate and Energy was founded in 2007 by scientists, economists and organizations and citizens from all walks of life to independently reassess current climate science. CFACT Europe is proud to be a founding member.“
Holger Thuß: The Solar Cycle, Climate, Carbon and Crop Yields: EIKE Berlin. CFACT Europe, 19. April 2009, archiviert vom Original (nicht mehr online verfügbar) am 7. Oktober 2013; abgerufen am 20. November 2012: „The European Institute for Climate and Energy was founded in 2007 by scientists, economists and organizations and citizens from all walks of life to independently reassess current climate science. CFACT Europe is proud to be a founding member.“