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L. M. Rojas, Y. Ramírez, R. McNeil, M. Mitchell, G. Marín: Retinal Morphology and Electrophysiology of Two Caprimulgiformes Birds: The Cave-Living and Nocturnal Oilbird (Steatornis caripensis), and the Crepuscularly and Nocturnally Foraging Common Pauraque (Nyctidromus albicollis). In: Brain, Behavior and Evolution. Band64, Nr.1, 2004, S.19–33, doi:10.1159/000077540 (karger.com).
L. M. Rojas, Y. Ramírez, R. McNeil, M. Mitchell, G. Marín: Retinal Morphology and Electrophysiology of Two Caprimulgiformes Birds: The Cave-Living and Nocturnal Oilbird (Steatornis caripensis), and the Crepuscularly and Nocturnally Foraging Common Pauraque (Nyctidromus albicollis). In: Brain, Behavior and Evolution. Band64, Nr.1, 2004, S.19–33, doi:10.1159/000077540 (karger.com).