Catherine Breniquet: Weaving in Mesopotamia during the Bronze Age: Archaeology, techniques,iconography. In: C. Michel, M.-L. Nosch (Hrsg.): Textile Terminologies in the Ancient Near East and Mediterranean from the Third to the First Millennnia BC. Oxford, Oxbow 2010, S. 54 mit detaillierter Widerlegung. (
Catherine Breniquet: Weaving in Mesopotamia during the Bronze Age: Archaeology, techniques,iconography. In: C. Michel, M.-L. Nosch (Hrsg.): Textile Terminologies in the Ancient Near East and Mediterranean from the Third to the First Millennnia BC. Oxford, Oxbow 2010, S. 56. (
Nicholas Postgate: Wool, Hair and Textiles in Assyria. In: Catherine Breniquet, Cécile Michel (Hrsg.): Wool Economy in the Ancient Near East. Oxford, Oxbow 2014. (