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A. L. Eiden et al.: Determination of metabolic resistance mechanisms in pyrethroid-resistant and fipronil-tolerant brown dog ticks. In: Medical and veterinary entomology. Band 31, Nummer 3, 09 2017, S. 243–251, doi:10.1111/mve.12240, PMID 28639697.
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Valérie Raymond-Delpech, Kazuhiko Matsuda, Benedict M. Sattelle, James J. Rauh, David B. Sattelle: Ion Channels: Molecular Targets of Neuroactive Insecticides. In: Invertebrate Neuroscience. Band5, Nr.3-4, 1. November 2005, S.119–133, doi:10.1007/s10158-005-0004-9, PMID 16172884.
A. L. Eiden et al.: Determination of metabolic resistance mechanisms in pyrethroid-resistant and fipronil-tolerant brown dog ticks. In: Medical and veterinary entomology. Band 31, Nummer 3, 09 2017, S. 243–251, doi:10.1111/mve.12240, PMID 28639697.
M. Z. Lacroix, S. Puel, P. L. Toutain, C. Viguié: Quantification of Fipronil and Its Metabolite Fipronil Sulfone in Rat Plasma Over a Wide Range of Concentrations by LC/UV/MS. In: Journal of Chromatography B. 878(22), 15. Jul 2010, S. 1934–1938. PMID 20599175; doi:10.1016/j.jchromb.2010.05.018.
J. J. Pérez, M. K. Williams, G. Weerasekera, K. Smith, R. M. Whyatt, L. L. Needham, D. B. Barr: Measurement of Pyrethroid, Organophosphorus, and Carbamate Insecticides in Human Plasma using Isotope Dilution Gas Chromatography-High Resolution Mass Spectrometry. In: Journal of Chromatography B. 878(27), 1. Okt 2010, S. 2554–2562. PMID 20434413; doi:10.1016/j.jchromb.2010.03.015; PMC 3024141 (freier Volltext).
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