World Meteorological Organization: El Niño/La Niña Update, 26 June 2012 (pdf, > Programmes > World Climate Services Programme (WCP) > Climate Applications and Services (WCASP) / CLIPS);
Commonwealth of Australia, Bureau of Meteorology: Increasing risk of El Niño in 2012. 1. Februar 2012 (pdf, Bureau Home > Climate > ENSO Wrap-Up)
Meredith, Edmund (Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung) et al. in Nature Geoscience: Crucial role of Black Sea warming in amplifying the 2012 Krymsk precipitation extremeOur results reveal a physical mechanism linking a sudden amplificat ion of coastal convective precipitation extremes to gradual SST increase. The increased lower tropospheric humidity provides a richer moisture source for convective precipitation and contributes to low-level instability. More importantly, the near-surface warming reduces static stability, allowing deep convection to be more easily triggered. published 13. Juli 2015
World Meteorological Organization: El Niño/La Niña Update, 26 June 2012 (pdf, > Programmes > World Climate Services Programme (WCP) > Climate Applications and Services (WCASP) / CLIPS);
Commonwealth of Australia, Bureau of Meteorology: Increasing risk of El Niño in 2012. 1. Februar 2012 (pdf, Bureau Home > Climate > ENSO Wrap-Up)