Wim Vanhaverbeke: An economic analysis of the Flemish Diamond. In: European Planning Studies. Band6, Nr.4, 1. August 1998, ISSN0965-4313, S.425–442, doi:10.1080/09654319808720472.
Nadine Cattan: Cities and Networks in Europe - a Critical Approach of Polycentrism. John Libbey Eurotext, 2007, ISBN 978-2-7420-0925-1 (google.de [abgerufen am 20. November 2022]).
Wim Vanhaverbeke: An economic analysis of the Flemish Diamond. In: European Planning Studies. Band6, Nr.4, 1. August 1998, ISSN0965-4313, S.425–442, doi:10.1080/09654319808720472.