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Josephine Beoku-Betts: African Women Pursuing Graduate Studies in the Sciences: Racism, Gender Bias, and Third World Marginality. In: NWSA Journal. 16, Nr. 1, 2004, S. 117f. doi:10.1353/nwsa.2004.0026
Christoph Weller: Beobachtungen wissenschaftlicher Selbstkontrolle. Qualität, Schwächen und die Zukunft des Peer Review-Verfahrens. In: Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen. 11, Nr. 2, 2004, S. 365–394. doi:10.5771/0946-7165-2004-2-365.
Michael W. Gilles, David Patterson, Francie Mizell: Discretion in Editorial Decision-Making: The Case of the Journal of Politics. In: PS – Political Science and Politics. 22, Nr. 1, März 1989, S. 58–62. doi:10.2307/419871.
Hyunsik Kong, Samuel Martin-Gutierrez, Fariba Karimi: Influence of the first-mover advantage on the gender disparities in physics citations. In: Communications Physics. Band5, Nr.1, 13. Oktober 2022, ISSN2399-3650, S.243, doi:10.1038/s42005-022-00997-x ( [abgerufen am 27. Oktober 2022]).
Sarah-Jane Leslie, Andrei Cimpian, Meredith Meyer, Edward Freeland: Expectations of brilliance underlie gender distributions across academic disciplines. In: Science. Band 347, Nr. 6219, S. 262–265 (englisch; doi:10.1126/science.1261375).
Joyce Tang: Why Aren't There More Female Scientific Pioneers? In: dies.: Scientific Pioneers. Women Succeeding in Science. University Press of America, Lanham 2006, ISBN 0-7618-3350-1, S. 21–39; Naomi Oreskes: Objectivity or Heroism? On the Invisibility of Women in Science. In: Osiris. 11, 2nd Series, Science in the Field (1996), S. 87. doi:10.1086/368756. Oreskes, Wissenschaftshistorikerin an der University of California, wird auch zitiert mit dem Satz: „The question is not why there haven't been more women in science; the question is rather why we have not heard more about them.“ Zitiert in: Women in Science. A Selection of 16 Significant Contributors. (PDF; 6,7 MB) The San Diego Supercomputer Center, 1997, S. 1.
Wolfram Grajetzkiː Meritptah, The World’s First Female Doctor? In: Ancient Egypt Magazine. Dezember 2018/Januar 2019, S. 24–31; und Jakub M. Kwiecinski: Merit Ptah: „The First Woman Physician“. Crafting of a Feminist History with an Ancient Egyptian Setting. In: Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences. Band 75, Nr. 1, 2020, S. 83–106; doi:10.1093/jhmas/jrz058
Stephen B. Brush: Nettie. M. Stevens and the Discovery of Sex Determination by Chromosomes. In: Isis. 69, Nr. 2, Juni 1978, S. 163–172. doi:10.1086/352001. PMID 389882.
Naomi Oreskes: Objectivity or Heroism? On the Invisibility of Women in Science. In: Osiris. 11, 2nd Series, Science in the Field (1996), S. 88. doi:10.1086/368756.
Naomi Oreskes: Objectivity or Heroism? On the Invisibility of Women in Science. In: Osiris. 11, 2nd Series, Science in the Field (1996), S. 88–89 und 113. doi:10.1086/368756.
Naomi Oreskes: Objectivity or Heroism? On the Invisibility of Women in Science. In: Osiris. 11, 2nd Series, Science in the Field (1996), S. 87–88. doi:10.1086/368756.
Hyunsik Kong, Samuel Martin-Gutierrez, Fariba Karimi: Influence of the first-mover advantage on the gender disparities in physics citations. In: Communications Physics. Band5, Nr.1, 13. Oktober 2022, ISSN2399-3650, S.243, doi:10.1038/s42005-022-00997-x ( [abgerufen am 27. Oktober 2022]).
Stephen B. Brush: Nettie. M. Stevens and the Discovery of Sex Determination by Chromosomes. In: Isis. 69, Nr. 2, Juni 1978, S. 163–172. doi:10.1086/352001. PMID 389882.
Joyce Tang: Why Aren't There More Female Scientific Pioneers? In: dies.: Scientific Pioneers. Women Succeeding in Science. University Press of America, Lanham 2006, ISBN 0-7618-3350-1, S. 21–39; Naomi Oreskes: Objectivity or Heroism? On the Invisibility of Women in Science. In: Osiris. 11, 2nd Series, Science in the Field (1996), S. 87. doi:10.1086/368756. Oreskes, Wissenschaftshistorikerin an der University of California, wird auch zitiert mit dem Satz: „The question is not why there haven't been more women in science; the question is rather why we have not heard more about them.“ Zitiert in: Women in Science. A Selection of 16 Significant Contributors. (PDF; 6,7 MB) The San Diego Supercomputer Center, 1997, S. 1.
J. Stephan Edwards: A Woman Is Wise: The Influence of Civic and Christian Humanism on the Education of Women in Northern Italy and England during the Renaissance. In: Ex Post Facto: Journal of the History Students at San Francisco State University. BandXI, 2002, S.99–114 ( [PDF]).
Hyunsik Kong, Samuel Martin-Gutierrez, Fariba Karimi: Influence of the first-mover advantage on the gender disparities in physics citations. In: Communications Physics. Band5, Nr.1, 13. Oktober 2022, ISSN2399-3650, S.243, doi:10.1038/s42005-022-00997-x ( [abgerufen am 27. Oktober 2022]).