Fullerene (German Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Fullerene" in German language version.

Global rank German rank
2nd place
3rd place
234th place
203rd place
1st place
1st place
2,204th place
4,230th place
69th place
189th place
274th place
152nd place
low place
1,085th place
low place
low place
774th place
980th place
4th place
7th place
low place
low place
33rd place
2nd place
low place
1,608th place





  • Markus Arndt, Olaf Nairz, Julian Voss-Andreae, Claudia Keller, Gerbrand van der Zouw, Anton Zeilinger: Wave-particle duality of C60 molecules. In: Nature. Band 401, Nr. 6754, 1999, S. 680–682, doi:10.1038/44348 (atomwave.org [PDF]).



  • D. B. Boyd, Z. Slanina: Introduction and foreword to the special issue commemorating the thirtieth anniversary of Eiji Osawa’s C60 paper. In: Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling. Band 19, Nr. 2, 2001, S. 181–184, doi:10.1016/S1093-3263(00)00106-6.
  • H. W. Kroto, J. R. Heath, S. C. O’Brien, R. F. Curl, R. E. Smalley: C60: Buckminsterfullerene. In: Nature 318, 1985, S. 162–163 (doi:10.1038/318162a0; HTML).
  • H. W. Kroto, J. R. Heath, S. C. O’Brien, R. F. Curl, R. E. Smalley: C60: Buckminsterfullerene. In: Nature. Band 318, Nr. 6042, November 1985, S. 162–163, doi:10.1038/318162a0 (nature.com [abgerufen am 29. Oktober 2022]).
  • W. Krätschmer, K. Fostiropoulos, Donald R. Huffman: The infrared and ultraviolet absorption spectra of laboratory-produced carbon dust: evidence for the presence of the C60 molecule. In: Chemical Physics Letters. Band 170, Nr. 2, 6. Juli 1990, S. 167–170, doi:10.1016/0009-2614(90)87109-5.
  • W. Krätschmer, Lowell D. Lamb, K. Fostiropoulos, Donald R. Huffman: Solid C60: a new form of carbon. In: Nature. Band 347, Nr. 6291, 27. September 1990, S. 354–358, doi:10.1038/347354a0.
  • W. Krätschmer, Lowell D. Lamb, K. Fostiropoulos, Donald R. Huffman: Solid C60: a new form of carbon. In: Nature. Band 347, Nr. 6291, 27. September 1990, S. 354–358, doi:10.1038/347354a0 (nature.com [abgerufen am 29. Oktober 2022]).
  • Wolfgang Krätschmer: The story of making fullerenes. In: Nanoscale. Band 3, 2011, S. 2485–2489, doi:10.1039/C0NR00925C.
  • M. A. Cordiner, H. Linnartz, N. L. J. Cox, J. Cami, F. Najarro, C. R. Proffitt, R. Lallement, P. Ehrenfreund, B. H. Foing, T. R. Gull, P. J. Sarre, S. B. Charnley: Confirming Interstellar C60+ Using the Hubble Space Telescope. In: The Astrophysical Journal. 875, 2019, S. L28, doi:10.3847/2041-8213/ab14e5.
  • Tarek Baati, Fanchon Bourasset, Najla Gharbi, Leila Njim, Manef Abderrabba, Abdelhamid Kerkeni, Henri Szwarc, Fathi Moussa: The prolongation of the lifespan of rats by repeated oral administration of [60]fullerene, Biomaterials, Volume 33, Issue 19, June 2012, S. 4936–4946 (doi:10.1016/j.biomaterials.2012.03.036)
  • Kristopher J. Grohn, Brandon S. Moyer, Danique C. Wortel, Cheyanne M. Fisher, Ellie Lumen, Anthony H. Bianchi, Kathleen Kelly, Paul S. Campbell, Douglas E. Hagrman, Roger G. Bagg, James Clement, Aaron J. Wolfe, Andrea Basso, Cristina Nicoletti, Giovanni Lai, Mauro Provinciali, Marco Malavolta, Kelsey J. Moody: C60 in olive oil causes light-dependent toxicity and does not extend lifespan in mice. In: GeroScience. Band 43, Nr. 2, 1. April 2021, S. 579–591, doi:10.1007/s11357-020-00292-z, PMID 33123847, PMC 8110650 (freier Volltext).
  • Andreas Hirsch, Zhongfang Chen, Haijun Jiao: Sphärische Aromatizität in Ih-symmetrischen Fullerenen: die 2(N+1)2-Regel. In: Angew. Chem. Band 112, 2000, S. 4079–4081, doi:10.1002/1521-3757(20001103)112:21<4079::AID-ANGE4079>3.0.CO;2-H.
  • Markus Arndt, Olaf Nairz, Julian Voss-Andreae, Claudia Keller, Gerbrand van der Zouw, Anton Zeilinger: Wave-particle duality of C60 molecules. In: Nature. Band 401, Nr. 6754, 1999, S. 680–682, doi:10.1038/44348 (atomwave.org [PDF]).
  • Konstantinos Fostiropoulos, Mirko Vogel, B. Mertesacker, Alois Weidinger: Preparation and investigation of phthalocyanine/C 60 solar cells. In: Organic Photovoltaics III. SPIE, 24. Februar 2003, doi:10.1117/12.456323.


  • Carbon nanospheres almost double rat lifespan: a critique – Articles – Articles – LongeCity – LongeCity. In: LONGECITY. (longecity.org [abgerufen am 31. Oktober 2018]).



  • H. W. Kroto, J. R. Heath, S. C. O’Brien, R. F. Curl, R. E. Smalley: C60: Buckminsterfullerene. In: Nature 318, 1985, S. 162–163 (doi:10.1038/318162a0; HTML).
  • H. W. Kroto, J. R. Heath, S. C. O’Brien, R. F. Curl, R. E. Smalley: C60: Buckminsterfullerene. In: Nature. Band 318, Nr. 6042, November 1985, S. 162–163, doi:10.1038/318162a0 (nature.com [abgerufen am 29. Oktober 2022]).
  • W. Krätschmer, Lowell D. Lamb, K. Fostiropoulos, Donald R. Huffman: Solid C60: a new form of carbon. In: Nature. Band 347, Nr. 6291, 27. September 1990, S. 354–358, doi:10.1038/347354a0 (nature.com [abgerufen am 29. Oktober 2022]).




  • Kristopher J. Grohn, Brandon S. Moyer, Danique C. Wortel, Cheyanne M. Fisher, Ellie Lumen, Anthony H. Bianchi, Kathleen Kelly, Paul S. Campbell, Douglas E. Hagrman, Roger G. Bagg, James Clement, Aaron J. Wolfe, Andrea Basso, Cristina Nicoletti, Giovanni Lai, Mauro Provinciali, Marco Malavolta, Kelsey J. Moody: C60 in olive oil causes light-dependent toxicity and does not extend lifespan in mice. In: GeroScience. Band 43, Nr. 2, 1. April 2021, S. 579–591, doi:10.1007/s11357-020-00292-z, PMID 33123847, PMC 8110650 (freier Volltext).


  • Verified: Heliatek organic solar cell achieves record 12% efficiency - PV-Tech. 18. Januar 2013, archiviert vom Original am 18. Januar 2013; abgerufen am 29. Oktober 2022.



  • Pressemitteilung des Jet Propulsion Laboratory (Memento vom 5. Juni 2012 im Internet Archive) (englisch).
  • Forschungsgruppe Organische Solarzellen am Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (Memento vom 12. Februar 2016 im Internet Archive)
  • Verified: Heliatek organic solar cell achieves record 12% efficiency - PV-Tech. 18. Januar 2013, archiviert vom Original am 18. Januar 2013; abgerufen am 29. Oktober 2022.