Charles L. Murison: Galba, Otho and Vitellius: Careers and Controversies Olms, Hildesheim u. a. 1993, S. 52; Tacitus Historien 1,53, 1–2.
Charles L. Murison: Galba, Otho and Vitellius: Careers and Controversies Olms, Hildesheim u. a. 1993, S. 52; Tacitus Historien 1,12, 1.
Charles L. Murison: Galba, Otho and Vitellius: Careers and Controversies Olms, Hildesheim u. a. 1993, S. 48; Tacitus Historien 2,58, 1.
Charles L. Murison: Galba, Otho and Vitellius: Careers and Controversies Olms, Hildesheim u. a. 1993, S. 50; Tacitus Historien 1,13,1–2;1,14,1 und 1,46,1
Gwyn Morgan: 69 A.D. The Year of Four Emperors. Oxford University Press, Oxford 2006, S. 47; Tacitus Historien 1,20; Sueton, Galba 15,1. Sueton spricht von 50 Rittern.
Gwyn Morgan: 69 A.D. The Year of Four Emperors. Oxford University Press, Oxford 2006, S. 40f; Plutarch Galba 14