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J. E. Greene: Review Article: Tracing the recorded history of thin-film sputter deposition: From the 1800s to 2017. In: AIP (Hrsg.): Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A. Band35, Nr.5. AIP Publishing, 1. September 2017, ISSN0734-2101, S.05C204, doi:10.1116/1.4998940 (
George Gerald Stoney. In: Grace's Guide to British Industrial History. Grace's Guide Ltd., abgerufen am 15. Dezember 2019 (englisch).
J. E. Greene: Review Article: Tracing the recorded history of thin-film sputter deposition: From the 1800s to 2017. In: AIP (Hrsg.): Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A. Band35, Nr.5. AIP Publishing, 1. September 2017, ISSN0734-2101, S.05C204, doi:10.1116/1.4998940 (
J. E. Greene: Review Article: Tracing the recorded history of thin-film sputter deposition: From the 1800s to 2017. In: AIP (Hrsg.): Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A. Band35, Nr.5. AIP Publishing, 1. September 2017, ISSN0734-2101, S.05C204, doi:10.1116/1.4998940 (