Michael H. Kater: Das „Ahnenerbe“ der SS 1935–1945. Ein Beitrag zur Kulturpolitik des Dritten Reiches. 4. Auflage. (= Studien zur Zeitgeschichte 6), Oldenbourg, München 2006, ISBN 3-486-59468-0, teilweise ursprünglich Dissertation (Heidelberg 1966), online.
The Longship: FAQ. Abgerufen am 20. Juli 2020 (englisch): „Ásatrú in the United States developed with heavy Wiccan, Odinist, and occultist influences. Heathenry, in turn, developed partly as a response to these influences on Ásatrú. Though the term “Heathen” has been in use by some individuals who worship the Germanic gods since the late 1970s, the effort to distance Heathenry from Ásatrú truly started gaining momentum in 2016.“