Patrick Wayne, Sean Cooper u. a.: Investigation of Dalton and Amagat’s laws for gas mixtures with shock propagation. In: International Journal of Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements. 6, 2017, S. 1, doi:10.2495/CMEM-V6-N1-1-10.
P. Wayne, S. Cooper, D. Simons, I. Trueba-Monje, D. Freelong, G. Vigil, P. Vorobieff, C. R. Truman, V. Vorob’ev, T. Clark: Dalton’s and Amagat’s laws fail in gas mixtures with shock propagation. In: Science Advances. Band5, Nr.12, 2019, ISSN2375-2548, doi:10.1126/sciadv.aax4749, PMID 31840065, PMC 6897548 (freier Volltext).
P. Wayne, S. Cooper, D. Simons, I. Trueba-Monje, D. Freelong, G. Vigil, P. Vorobieff, C. R. Truman, V. Vorob’ev, T. Clark: Dalton’s and Amagat’s laws fail in gas mixtures with shock propagation. In: Science Advances. Band5, Nr.12, 2019, ISSN2375-2548, doi:10.1126/sciadv.aax4749, PMID 31840065, PMC 6897548 (freier Volltext).
P. Wayne, S. Cooper, D. Simons, I. Trueba-Monje, D. Freelong, G. Vigil, P. Vorobieff, C. R. Truman, V. Vorob’ev, T. Clark: Dalton’s and Amagat’s laws fail in gas mixtures with shock propagation. In: Science Advances. Band5, Nr.12, 2019, ISSN2375-2548, doi:10.1126/sciadv.aax4749, PMID 31840065, PMC 6897548 (freier Volltext).