„A tough, mildly exciting melodrama […] In many ways "Criss Cross" is a suspenseful action picture, due to the resourceful directing of Robert Siodmak. But it also is tedious and plodding at times, due partly to Mr. Siodmak's indulgence of a script that is verbose, redundant and imitative. […] "Criss Cross" is too cluttered with standard characters behaving in standard fashion to stir up more than passing interest in the final analysis.“ – Rezension in der New York Times vom 12. März 1949, abgerufen am 3. Januar 2013.
Criss Cross. In: Variety. 1949, abgerufen am 29. März 2020 (englisch): „Under Robert Siodmak's knowing direction, the flashbacks blend into a cohesive unit and are never confusing or draggy. His staging of the holdup scene is a masterful job.“