Dimitri Pentzopoulos: The Balkan exchange of minorities and its impact on Greece. C. Hurst & Co. Publishers, 2002, ISBN 978-1-85065-702-6, S.29–30 (eingeschränkte Vorschau in der Google-Buchsuche).
S. 2 (PDF; 350 kB): „In 1923, the provisions of the Treaty of Lausanne left some 106,000 ethnic Turks in Thrace. The ethnic Greek minority of Istanbul […] has also shrunk in size […] from 110,000 in 1923 to an estimated 2,500 today.“
Mark Mazower: The G-Word. In: London Review of Books. Band23, Nr.3, 8. Februar 2011, S.19ff. (The G-Word [abgerufen am 1. Mai 2011]): „But these deportations were on a relatively small scale and do not appear to have been designed to end in their victims’ deaths. What was to happen with the Armenians was of a different order.“
The New York Times Advanced search engine for article and headline archives (subscription necessary for viewing article content).
Nikos Sigalas, Alexandre Toumarkine: Ingénierie démographique, génocide, nettoyage ethnique. Les paradigmes dominants pour l’étude de la violence sur les populations minoritaires en Turquie et dans les Balkans. In: European Journal of Turkish Studies. Nr.7, 2008 (französisch, openedition.org): « le milieu de la revue Scholiastis dont est issu le journaliste et historien Tassos Kostopoulos »