S. Wolff: The first account of the syndrome Asperger described? Translation of a paper entitled "Die schizoiden Psychopathien im Kindesalter" by Dr. G.E. Ssucharewa; scientific assistant, which appeared in 1926 in the Monatsschrift für Psychiatrie und Neurologie 60:235-261. In: European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. Band5, Nr.3, 1996, S.119–132, doi:10.1007/BF00571671, PMID 8908418.
Charlotte Simmonds, G. E. Sukhareva: The first account of the syndrome Asperger described? Part 2: the girls. Translation of G. E. Sukhareva's "Die Besonderheiten der schizoiden Psychopathien bei den Mädchen", which appeared in 1927 in Monatsschrift für Psychiatrie und Neurologie. In: European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. Band29, Nr.4, April 2020, S.549–564, doi:10.1007/s00787-019-01371-z, PMID 31367779.
Irina Manouilenko, Susanne Bejerot: Sukhareva—Prior to Asperger and Kanner. In: Nordic Journal of Psychiatry. Band69, Nr.6, 2015, S.1761–1764, doi:10.3109/08039488.2015.1005022, PMID 25826582.
G. Ssucharewa: Über den Verlauf der Schizophrenien im Kindesalter. In: Zeitschrift für die gesamte Neurologie und Psychiatrie. Band142, Nr.1, 1932, S.309–321, doi:10.1007/BF02866138.
Leo Kanner: Problems of nosology and psychodynamics of early infantile autism. In: American Journal of Orthopsychiatry. Band19, Nr.3, 1949, S.416–426, doi:10.1111/j.1939-0025.1949.tb05441.x, PMID 18146742.
Leo Kanner: Emotionally Disturbed Children: A Historical Review. In: Child Development. Band33, Nr.1, 1962, S.97–102, doi:10.2307/1126636, PMID 14453637.
S. Wolff: The first account of the syndrome Asperger described? Translation of a paper entitled "Die schizoiden Psychopathien im Kindesalter" by Dr. G.E. Ssucharewa; scientific assistant, which appeared in 1926 in the Monatsschrift für Psychiatrie und Neurologie 60:235-261. In: European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. Band5, Nr.3, 1996, S.119–132, doi:10.1007/BF00571671, PMID 8908418.
Charlotte Simmonds, G. E. Sukhareva: The first account of the syndrome Asperger described? Part 2: the girls. Translation of G. E. Sukhareva's "Die Besonderheiten der schizoiden Psychopathien bei den Mädchen", which appeared in 1927 in Monatsschrift für Psychiatrie und Neurologie. In: European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. Band29, Nr.4, April 2020, S.549–564, doi:10.1007/s00787-019-01371-z, PMID 31367779.
Irina Manouilenko, Susanne Bejerot: Sukhareva—Prior to Asperger and Kanner. In: Nordic Journal of Psychiatry. Band69, Nr.6, 2015, S.1761–1764, doi:10.3109/08039488.2015.1005022, PMID 25826582.
Leo Kanner: Problems of nosology and psychodynamics of early infantile autism. In: American Journal of Orthopsychiatry. Band19, Nr.3, 1949, S.416–426, doi:10.1111/j.1939-0025.1949.tb05441.x, PMID 18146742.
Leo Kanner: Emotionally Disturbed Children: A Historical Review. In: Child Development. Band33, Nr.1, 1962, S.97–102, doi:10.2307/1126636, PMID 14453637.