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J. Pomerleau, M. McKee, R. Rose, C. W. Haerpfer, D. Rotman, S. Tumanov: Hazardous alcohol drinking in the former Soviet Union: a cross-sectional study of eight countries. In: Alcohol and alcoholism (Oxford, Oxfordshire). Band 43, Nummer 3, 2008 May-Jun, ISSN1464-3502, S. 351–359, doi:10.1093/alcalc/agm167, PMID 18245818.
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J. Pomerleau, M. McKee, R. Rose, C. W. Haerpfer, D. Rotman, S. Tumanov: Hazardous alcohol drinking in the former Soviet Union: a cross-sectional study of eight countries. In: Alcohol and alcoholism (Oxford, Oxfordshire). Band 43, Nummer 3, 2008 May-Jun, ISSN1464-3502, S. 351–359, doi:10.1093/alcalc/agm167, PMID 18245818.