Kathryn D. Ford, Ian S. Penton-Voak, Nicholas Pound: Justice is (not so) blind: Effects of facial masculinity and agreeableness on perceptions of criminal guilt. In: Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences. Band16, Nr.1, Januar 2022, ISSN2330-2933, S.67–80, doi:10.1037/ebs0000246 (apa.org [abgerufen am 9. Januar 2025]).
E. R. Igou, W. A. van Tilburg: Ahead of others in the authorship order: names with middle initials appear earlier in author lists of academic articles in psychology. In: Frontiers in psychology. Bd. 6, 2015, S. 469, doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00469, PMID 25954226, PMC 4404737 (freier Volltext).
Kevin M. Beaver, Cashen Boccio, Sven Smith, Chris J. Ferguson: Physical attractiveness and criminal justice processing: results from a longitudinal sample of youth and young adults. In: Psychiatry, Psychology and Law. Band26, Nr.4, 4. Juli 2019, ISSN1321-8719, S.669–681, doi:10.1080/13218719.2019.1618750, PMID 31984103, PMC 6762156 (freier Volltext) – (tandfonline.com [abgerufen am 9. Januar 2025]).
A. Chris Downs, Phillip M. Lyons: Natural Observations of the Links between Attractiveness and Initial Legal Judgments. In: Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. Band17, Nr.5, 1. Oktober 1991, ISSN0146-1672, S.541–547, doi:10.1177/0146167291175009 (sagepub.com [abgerufen am 10. Januar 2025]).
Kathryn D. Ford, Ian S. Penton-Voak, Nicholas Pound: Justice is (not so) blind: Effects of facial masculinity and agreeableness on perceptions of criminal guilt. In: Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences. Band16, Nr.1, Januar 2022, ISSN2330-2933, S.67–80, doi:10.1037/ebs0000246 (apa.org [abgerufen am 9. Januar 2025]).
E. R. Igou, W. A. van Tilburg: Ahead of others in the authorship order: names with middle initials appear earlier in author lists of academic articles in psychology. In: Frontiers in psychology. Bd. 6, 2015, S. 469, doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00469, PMID 25954226, PMC 4404737 (freier Volltext).
Kevin M. Beaver, Cashen Boccio, Sven Smith, Chris J. Ferguson: Physical attractiveness and criminal justice processing: results from a longitudinal sample of youth and young adults. In: Psychiatry, Psychology and Law. Band26, Nr.4, 4. Juli 2019, ISSN1321-8719, S.669–681, doi:10.1080/13218719.2019.1618750, PMID 31984103, PMC 6762156 (freier Volltext) – (tandfonline.com [abgerufen am 9. Januar 2025]).
A. Chris Downs, Phillip M. Lyons: Natural Observations of the Links between Attractiveness and Initial Legal Judgments. In: Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. Band17, Nr.5, 1. Oktober 1991, ISSN0146-1672, S.541–547, doi:10.1177/0146167291175009 (sagepub.com [abgerufen am 10. Januar 2025]).
Lexikon der Psychologie: Halo-Effekt. spektrum.de, abgerufen am 17. März 2018: „Das Auftreten des Halo-Effektes wird gefördert, wenn das Urteil besonders schnell gefällt wird.“
Kevin M. Beaver, Cashen Boccio, Sven Smith, Chris J. Ferguson: Physical attractiveness and criminal justice processing: results from a longitudinal sample of youth and young adults. In: Psychiatry, Psychology and Law. Band26, Nr.4, 4. Juli 2019, ISSN1321-8719, S.669–681, doi:10.1080/13218719.2019.1618750, PMID 31984103, PMC 6762156 (freier Volltext) – (tandfonline.com [abgerufen am 9. Januar 2025]).
Kevin M. Beaver, Cashen Boccio, Sven Smith, Chris J. Ferguson: Physical attractiveness and criminal justice processing: results from a longitudinal sample of youth and young adults. In: Psychiatry, Psychology and Law. Band26, Nr.4, 4. Juli 2019, ISSN1321-8719, S.669–681, doi:10.1080/13218719.2019.1618750, PMID 31984103, PMC 6762156 (freier Volltext) – (tandfonline.com [abgerufen am 9. Januar 2025]).
A. Chris Downs, Phillip M. Lyons: Natural Observations of the Links between Attractiveness and Initial Legal Judgments. In: Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. Band17, Nr.5, 1. Oktober 1991, ISSN0146-1672, S.541–547, doi:10.1177/0146167291175009 (sagepub.com [abgerufen am 10. Januar 2025]).
Kathryn D. Ford, Ian S. Penton-Voak, Nicholas Pound: Justice is (not so) blind: Effects of facial masculinity and agreeableness on perceptions of criminal guilt. In: Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences. Band16, Nr.1, Januar 2022, ISSN2330-2933, S.67–80, doi:10.1037/ebs0000246 (apa.org [abgerufen am 9. Januar 2025]).