A. Götherström, C. Anderung u. a.: Cattle domestication in the Near East was followed by hybridization with aurochs bulls in Europe. In: Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society. Band 272, Nummer 1579, November 2005, S. 2345–2350. doi:10.1098/rspb.2005.3243. PMID 16243693. PMC 1559968 (freier Volltext).
S. Hiendleder, H. Lewalski, A. Janke: Complete mitochondrial genomes of Bos taurus and Bos indicus provide new insights into intra-species variation, taxonomy and domestication. In: Cytogenetic and genome research. Band 120, Nummer 1–2, 2008, S. 150–156. doi:10.1159/000118756. PMID 18467841.
Peter Hristov, Daniela Sirakova, Ivan Mitkov, Nikolai Spassov & Georgi Radoslavov (2016): Balkan brachicerous cattle – the first domesticated cattle in Europe, Mitochondrial DNA Part A, doi:10.1080/24701394.2016.1238901(PDF)
J. Ramljak, G. Bunevski, H. Bytyqi, B. Marković, M. Brka, A. Ivanković, K. Kume, S. Stojanović, V. Nikolov, M. Simčič, J. Sölkner, E. Kunz, S. Rothammer, D. Seichter, H. P. Grünenfelder, E. T. Broxham, W. Kugler, I. Medugorac: Conservation of a domestic metapopulation structured into related and partly admixed strains. In: Molecular ecology. Band 27, Nummer 7, 04 2018, S. 1633–1650, doi:10.1111/mec.14555, PMID 29575253.
Schweizerisches Idiotikon, Band VI, Spalte 1026 ff. (Digitalisat); siehe dort Bedeutung 2 für die rezente Sprache und Bedeutung 1 für die historische Sprache.
A. Götherström, C. Anderung u. a.: Cattle domestication in the Near East was followed by hybridization with aurochs bulls in Europe. In: Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society. Band 272, Nummer 1579, November 2005, S. 2345–2350. doi:10.1098/rspb.2005.3243. PMID 16243693. PMC 1559968 (freier Volltext).
S. Hiendleder, H. Lewalski, A. Janke: Complete mitochondrial genomes of Bos taurus and Bos indicus provide new insights into intra-species variation, taxonomy and domestication. In: Cytogenetic and genome research. Band 120, Nummer 1–2, 2008, S. 150–156. doi:10.1159/000118756. PMID 18467841.
J. Ramljak, G. Bunevski, H. Bytyqi, B. Marković, M. Brka, A. Ivanković, K. Kume, S. Stojanović, V. Nikolov, M. Simčič, J. Sölkner, E. Kunz, S. Rothammer, D. Seichter, H. P. Grünenfelder, E. T. Broxham, W. Kugler, I. Medugorac: Conservation of a domestic metapopulation structured into related and partly admixed strains. In: Molecular ecology. Band 27, Nummer 7, 04 2018, S. 1633–1650, doi:10.1111/mec.14555, PMID 29575253.
D. E. MacHugh, M. D. Shriver u. a.: Microsatellite DNA variation and the evolution, domestication and phylogeography of taurine and zebu cattle (Bos taurus and Bos indicus). In: Genetics. Band 146, Nummer 3, Juli 1997, S. 1071–1086, ISSN0016-6731. PMID 9215909. PMC 1208036 (freier Volltext).
Peter Hristov, Daniela Sirakova, Ivan Mitkov, Nikolai Spassov & Georgi Radoslavov (2016): Balkan brachicerous cattle – the first domesticated cattle in Europe, Mitochondrial DNA Part A, doi:10.1080/24701394.2016.1238901(PDF)
Andreas Fasel: Hornloses Rindvieh. 29. April 2012 (welt.de [abgerufen am 8. Mai 2019]).
D. E. MacHugh, M. D. Shriver u. a.: Microsatellite DNA variation and the evolution, domestication and phylogeography of taurine and zebu cattle (Bos taurus and Bos indicus). In: Genetics. Band 146, Nummer 3, Juli 1997, S. 1071–1086, ISSN0016-6731. PMID 9215909. PMC 1208036 (freier Volltext).