Helmut Hofer: Dynamics, Topology and Holomorphic Curves. In: Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians Berlin 1998, August 18–27. Band 1: Plenary Lectures and Ceremonies (= Documenta Mathematica. Extra Volume. ICM 1998, Bd. 1, ISSN1431-0635). Geronimo, Rosenheim 1998, S. 255–280.
Helmut Hofer: Dynamics, Topology and Holomorphic Curves. In: Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians Berlin 1998, August 18–27. Band 1: Plenary Lectures and Ceremonies (= Documenta Mathematica. Extra Volume. ICM 1998, Bd. 1, ISSN1431-0635). Geronimo, Rosenheim 1998, S. 255–280.