John Hale, Vicar of Isleworth, to the Council In: Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 8 - January-July 1535. “Moreover, Mr. Skydmore dyd show to me yongge Master Care, saying that he was our suffren Lord the Kynge’s son by our suffren Lady the Qwyen’s syster, whom the Qwyen’s grace myght not suffer to be yn the Cowrte.”
Wallace T. MacCaffrey: Carey, Henry, first Baron Hunsdon (1526–1596), courtier and administrator. In: Henry Colin Gray Matthew, Brian Harrison (Hrsg.): Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, from the earliest times to the year 2000 (ODNB). Oxford University Press, Oxford 2004, ISBN 0-19-861411-X; doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/4649 (Lizenz erforderlich), Stand: Mai 2011.
Lorna Hutson: Lanier [née Bassano], Emilia (bap. 1569, d. 1645). In: Henry Colin Gray Matthew, Brian Harrison (Hrsg.): Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, from the earliest times to the year 2000 (ODNB). Oxford University Press, Oxford 2004, ISBN 0-19-861411-X; doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/37653 (Lizenz erforderlich), Stand: September 2004.