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Sawko W. Wassilew et al.: Oral brivudin in comparison with acyclovir for improved therapy of herpes zoster in immunocompetent patients: results of a randomized, double-blind, multicentered study. In: Antiviral Research. Band59, Nr.1, Juni 2003, S.49–56, doi:10.1016/s0166-3542(03)00065-2, PMID 12834860.
Sawko W. Wassilew et al.: Oral brivudin in comparison with acyclovir for herpes zoster: a survey study on postherpetic neuralgia. In: Antiviral Research. Band59, Nr.1, Juni 2003, S.57–60, doi:10.1016/s0166-3542(03)00064-0, PMID 12834861.
Sawko W. Wassilew, Collaborative Brivudin PHN Study Group: Brivudin compared with famciclovir in the treatment of herpes zoster: effects in acute disease and chronic pain in immunocompetent patients. A randomized, double-blind, multinational study. In: Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology: JEADV. Band19, Nr.1, Januar 2005, S.47–55, doi:10.1111/j.1468-3083.2004.01119.x, PMID 15649191.
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Juliana de Oliveira Gomes et al.: Vaccines for preventing herpes zoster in older adults. In: The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. Band10, Nr.10, 2. Oktober 2023, S.CD008858, doi:10.1002/14651858.CD008858.pub5, PMID 37781954 (englisch).
A. C. Tricco, W. Zarin, R. Cardoso, A. A. Veroniki et al.: Efficacy, effectiveness, and safety of herpes zoster vaccines in adults aged 50 and older: systematic review and network meta-analysis. In: BMJ, Band 363, Oktober 2018, S. k4029; doi:10.1136/bmj.k4029, PMID 30361202, PMC 6201212 (freier Volltext).
P. O. Lang, R. Aspinall: Vaccination for quality of life: herpes-zoster vaccines. In: Aging clinical and experimental research. Band 33, Nummer 4, April 2021, S. 1113–1122, doi:10.1007/s40520-019-01374-5, PMID 31643072 (Review).
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