Igloo White. Abgerufen am 8. April 2023 (amerikanisches Englisch).
Paul Dickson: The electronic battlefield. Hrsg.: Bloomington, Indiana University Press. 1976, S.136ff. (englisch, archive.org): “These early uses of ground sensors were effective and within a year John Mitchell’s Justice Department was seeding a 65-mile experimental stretch of the border with Vietnam-tested acoustic sensors, buried strain-sensitive cables and infrared detection devices.”
Ho Chi Minh Trail Before and Now Photos. In: Explore Indochina. Abgerufen am 10. November 2018 (englisch): „One crossing point, called Ban Laboy, is reckoned to be the most heavily bombed place on the planet.“
CIA (Hrsg.): Interdiction of Communist Infiltration Routes in Vietnam. Intelligence Memorandum. (ttu.edu [PDF]).
CIA (Hrsg.): Buildup of Vietnamese Communist Forces continues after resumption of air attacks. Intelligence Memorandum. 21. Februar 1966, Supply Routes in Laos (ttu.edu [PDF]).