Makoto Nishibe: The Present Problem of the Hokkaido Regional Economy and a Remedy: A Reform Plan of the Institution of Money and Finance by Using Hokkaido Community Currency. In: Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review. Band9, Nr.1, 1. April 2012, ISSN2188-2096, S.S113–S133, doi:10.14441/eier.9.S113.
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Makoto Nishibe: The Present Problem of the Hokkaido Regional Economy and a Remedy: A Reform Plan of the Institution of Money and Finance by Using Hokkaido Community Currency. In: Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review. Band9, Nr.1, 1. April 2012, ISSN2188-2096, S.S113–S133, doi:10.14441/eier.9.S113.