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A. M. Wendy u. a.: Effects of 15-d repeated consumption of Hoodia gordonii purified extract on safety, ad libitum energy intake, and body weight in healthy, overweight women: a randomized controlled trial. In: The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. November 2011, Band 94, Nr. 5, S. 1171–1181, doi:10.3945/ajcn.111.020321 (Volltext als PDF; abgerufen am 23. November 2015).
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D. B. MacLean, L. G. Luo: Increased ATP content/production in the hypothalamus may be a signal for energy-sensing of satiety: studies of the anorectic mechanism of a plant steroidal glycoside. In: Brain research. Band 1020, Nr. 1–2, September 2004, S. 1–11, ISSN0006-8993, doi:10.1016/j.brainres.2004.04.041, PMID 15312781.