Jean Pol Vigneron, Jean-François Colomer, Nathalie Vigneron, Virginie Lousse: "Natural layer-by-layer photonic structure in the squamae of Hoplia coerulea (Coleoptera)" PHYSICAL REVIEW E 72, 061904 2005 doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.72.061904als PDF
JP Vigneron, M Rassart, P Simonis JF. Colomer, A. Bay: "Possible uses of the layered structure found in the scales of Hoplia coerulea (Coleoptera)" Proc. of SPIE Vol. 7401 74010B-8 doi:10.1117/12.825465als PDF
M Rassart, P Simonis, A Bay, O Deparis: "Scale coloration change following water absorption in the beetle Hoplia coerulea (Coleoptera)" PHYSICAL REVIEW E 80, 031910 2009 doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.80.031910als PDF
E. Mico & E. Galante: "Nuevas sinonimias para las especies del género Hoplia Illiger (Coleoptera)" Boln. Asoc. esp. Ent., 26 (1-2): 2002: 39-43 ISSN0210-8984als PDF
Jean Pol Vigneron, Jean-François Colomer, Nathalie Vigneron, Virginie Lousse: "Natural layer-by-layer photonic structure in the squamae of Hoplia coerulea (Coleoptera)" PHYSICAL REVIEW E 72, 061904 2005 doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.72.061904als PDF
JP Vigneron, M Rassart, P Simonis JF. Colomer, A. Bay: "Possible uses of the layered structure found in the scales of Hoplia coerulea (Coleoptera)" Proc. of SPIE Vol. 7401 74010B-8 doi:10.1117/12.825465als PDF
M Rassart, P Simonis, A Bay, O Deparis: "Scale coloration change following water absorption in the beetle Hoplia coerulea (Coleoptera)" PHYSICAL REVIEW E 80, 031910 2009 doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.80.031910als PDF
Guido Sabatinelli: "Hoplia coerulea cosimii, nueva sottospecie dell‘isola di Mallorca (Baleari)" Boll. Soc. Ent. ital., Genova, 122 (3) 225-227, 21. Januar 1991 als PDF
Estefanía Micó, Eduardo Galante:"Hoplia coerulea (Drury 1773)" Categoría IUCN para España: VU A4ac als PDF
E. Mico & E. Galante: "Nuevas sinonimias para las especies del género Hoplia Illiger (Coleoptera)" Boln. Asoc. esp. Ent., 26 (1-2): 2002: 39-43 ISSN0210-8984als PDF