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C. C. Szeto et al.: Prevalence and implications of isolated microscopic hematuria in asymptomatic Chinese pregnant women. In: Nephron. Clinical practice. Band 105, Nummer 4, 2007, S. c147–c152, ISSN1660-2110. doi:10.1159/000099004. PMID 17259739.
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P. Froom, J. Ribak, J. Benbassat: Significance of microhaematuria in young adults. In: British Medical Journal (Clinical research ed.). Band 288, Nummer 6410, Januar 1984, S. 20–22, ISSN0267-0623. PMID 6418299. PMC 1444134 (freier Volltext).
C. C. Szeto et al.: Prevalence and implications of isolated microscopic hematuria in asymptomatic Chinese pregnant women. In: Nephron. Clinical practice. Band 105, Nummer 4, 2007, S. c147–c152, ISSN1660-2110. doi:10.1159/000099004. PMID 17259739.
Julie R. Ingelfinger: Hematuria in Adults. In: New England Journal of Medicine. Band385, Nr.2, 8. Juli 2021, ISSN0028-4793, S.153–163, doi:10.1056/NEJMra1604481 (nejm.org [abgerufen am 25. September 2021]).